Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dromomania: Kenavo!

Dromomania: Kenavo!


The Physical Geography of Carnac (Karnag) France

Bonjour! Kenavo! Hello!
 My name is Itzel-Marine Gourmelon. I was born in Mexico from French parents, and do my best to maintain my French culture and language. I am an anthropology major and film minor with the goal to one day make travelogues and documentaries.

(Right) My adventures in Singapore from summer 2010. 

The place I have chosen to follow throughout physical geography is Carnac, France, in the region of Bretagne (Bretagne is the region where my Gourmelon ancestors came from). 

France (Above)
Carnac (Below)

The reason I chose Carnac is because my family has gone there on vacation for generations, and I have gone there every summer of my life, so far. It is a place of great mystery and wonder to me and contains a vast physical and human history. Carnac is famous for its standing rock alignments (Menhirs) and Dolmens, but it is also a coastal region that has had a dramatic change in vegetation in the past century.

My aunt peeking into a chamber of a Dolmen. 

So, I invite you to follow me through an adventure in the fascinating physical geography of Karnag!

(This is my first blog, but I think I will keep it as a travel-blog even after the semester!)
Also, please feel free to visit
